Thursday 20 October 2011


I introduction:
 A. hook: today there are about 6.9 billion people on earth today.
B. introduce the reader to what is a slum: slum: an area of a city surrounded by broke down houses and extreme poverty.
C. thesis statement: living in a slum brings many challenges to everyday life, for example the absence of sanitation, the depression from the enviornment, and the ever increasing population.
D. transition to first paragraph: how do these challenges affect humans' everyday life?
II defendable point #1:
A. main idea: the absence of sanitation is one of the thing a slum dweller's life comes with.
B. supporting evidence:
source: ""
quote:(ongera) " that's the sewage. now it's passing through the slums."
paraphrase: in most slums the absence of sanitation is very common.
C. explanation: this quote indicates the absence of sanitation is very common.
D. translation to the next paragraph: what other burdens does living the life of a slum dweller bring?
defendable point #2  
A. main idea: living as a slum dweller brings much pain and suffering.
B. supporting evidence:
quote: "they are sniffing glue?"
paraphrase: young boys are using inhalants.
C. explanation: this quote explains the pain the boys are going through, young boys doing inhalants indicates the boys live burdenful lives and what to forget.
D. transition to the next paragraph: that other burdens can a slum bring to the lives of its dwellers?
A. main idea: slum dwellers live in a state of fear.
B. supporting evidence:
i: qoute: "more people will be living i cities than in the country."
ii:  paraphrase:more people are moving to cities.
C. explanation:  urbaniation has massively increased population and the demand for land has increased.
D. transition sentence to conclusion paragraph: what does this mean in the end?
V conclusion:
A. hook: in conclusion slums are very negitive places with very negitive affects on it people.
B. restate thesis: slums bring meny burdens to its dwellers lives.
C. summarize argument: slums bring many problems to the people that inhabit it, the absence of sanitation, its depressing enviernment, and its ever increasing population really do make its dwellers lives burdenful.
D. leave the reader with something to think about: would life in a slum really be worth living.        

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